2013年5月11日 星期六

vv.. JUST DO IT ..vv

Language : Hiroyuki Komatsu
   Today I went to an exhibition called Souzou : Outsider Art from Japan at the Welcome Collection.
Souzou means creation and imagination.The museum featured 46 self-taught artists who works and live within the social welfare facilities in Japan. 

Possibility: Kenichi Yamazaki

  They all have different disabilities but they are all extremely passionate for creation.They just do it. Without thinking about being famous or making money ,they just create what they like.The exhibition is divided into 6 parts : Language-using words symbols or stories to communicate and using the language / Making- reuse and repurpose unconventional materials and craft / Representation-represents the daily life of the artists , recording what they saw  / Relationships -relationships with other people / Culture -Influenced by Japanese Culture & Possibilities -their ideas of control and future and imaginations. 

Language:Takanori Herai

 Relationships :Masao Obata

The exhibition is very much like Museum of Everything that I saw last year. Which when I went to the private view people argued about are they art ? because there are no reasons to it as they just do it. Personally I really like this idea of just create.People all wanted to create something I believe.Something like theories,discussions, card,music,art,buildings...etc , they are all creations by people.And these are something that is just pure nature , I wish I can still draw like this and having the same passion as they did.I love videos filmed by Haruhiko Daishima(videos) ,recording the process , I'm always very emotional when I watch the videos. It shows the other side of the art and the artist , how they felt when they are creating , what sound do they make when they are creating ,how their family thought about their creations , why they want to do it , what they see ,where they live and so on. It all got very direct effects on them and their works.
Culture:Keisuke Ishino

I really do recommend to go see this exhibition because it is a different part in the art world.

The Welcome Collection / Sozou : Outsider Art from Japan / 28 March-30 June 2013

all images via The Welcome Collection

2013年4月27日 星期六

....// about writing....//

Yesterday we had a class about fashion writing. In fashion writing there are mostly interviews ,trend reports ,opinions and NEWS. Early days fashion writing mostly exists in newspaper and magazine. And in recent years there came a thing called BLOG. It provides an independent voice of fashion.But nowadays there are obviously too many blogs going on this place.But whatever!There are still a lot of good blogs that are just simply awesome ,informative and also easy to understand.

What I learned yesterday from my tutor is how to write a good piece for whatever you are writing.
And here are the key notes I wrote down :
1.RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH is the key point to most interviews or articles.
2.The visuals always have to correspond to the writing.
3.If you are doing a Q&A it has to be well structured and go with a flow.
4.Provide the reader information in the right way and right time.
5.Have to be relevant to what's going on now or the up and coming.
6.Straigntfoward & Simple.
7.Not to show how clever you are.
8.Know your reader.
Starting this blog it's for me a good way of practising to write about what I like and what I've learned or where I've been. I want to share my experience and practise my writing.
And these are the key points that I will try and keep in mind.

images taken by my friend Campbell

2013年4月26日 星期五

wwww // THE PLANT MAGAZINE // wwww

Last night I went to YMC for a talk by The Plant magazine. It is one of my favourite magazines even though I didn't know until Issue 3. It includes documentary of the plants , illustrations, do it yourself , recipes,artists,neighbours' gardens...etc in the magazine. Really don't know why but I am always drawn to certain Spanish aesthetics. Probably because their use of light in photography and the appreciation of everyday life very fascinates me.Another magazine is called Apartamento which is so far my ultimate favourite of all.And they are all good friends.

The editors of The Plant are Carol Montpart (London) and Chris Merino (Barcelona). And last night was a talk by Carol Montpart. The Plant originally started by someone suggested "Why don't we make a magazine about plants?" while they were just bunch of friends drinking and chatting about their love of plants.Carol talked about how they started the magazine which I found interesting because I've never heard it before. They gathered all their ideas into a pdf file and sent them to all the people they think that would be amazing contributors.She said it was a very special issue for her because it was hard to ask for people to contribute when the magazine isn't even published yet ,and she felt so glad that there are many people liked their ideas and willing to contribute.And they were really lucky to get photographers like Wolfgang Tillmans, Mark Brothwick , and all kinds of people from all over the world to help this magazine become better and better.

"We documented what has happened". Unlike fashion magazines or any sort which predicts future or something like that. They documents plants , which is unpredictable and they get what they get.I think it's such a good thing as they documented the plants that we may or may not see or not see in the future , and they have the images of them.It is kind of like dry flowers.Which they also taught how to do it in there Do It Yourself session.I've learnt a lot about the magazine after the talk and the editor Carol is such a nice person.I'm really excited and wish them good luck on the future issues of The Plant.

The Plant (magazine)
Carol Montpart (editor at London)
Coke Batrina (photographer who shot both The Plant and Apartamento

Images via Carol Montpart


photography : Jess Bonham

She is someone that you just cannot miss out when you are wandering around in Pick Me Up London.I was so fascinated by her work when I saw it.Taking so many photos just isn't enough , I've purchased one of the print from the Pool Party series.Funny enough I saw her work already far before that on instagram and immediately drawn by the geometrical but very natural way of set design.They all seemed so weird like a new invention.You just feel happy when you see her works, like there is a fantasy behind it.We see these sort of set a lot in editorials or on tumblr.But the material she used are very simple and handmade-like which makes it love them so much. I'm very excited of what she will continue to create in the future! And her blog is extremely cute as well - Anna Lomax ~//~//~ 

images via It's Nice That